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by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher |
Standard medicine is like calling the police; sometimes you have to, but it's almost always a mistake. If at all possible, it's much better to solve your own difficulties without involving the authorities. |
While doctoring I quickly came to understand that if the lifestyle modification I was advocating wasn't easy, then my patients were less likely to adopt it. If it wasn't convenient, they wouldn't do it. |
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by Philip Gambone |
Frost's very first published poem, when he was 17, was based on William Prescott's classic, The History of the Conquest of Mexico, which Frost read in the summer of 1889 while working on a farm. |
Frost could say to Khrushchev that he admired the way the Russian leader used power with courage and audacity. Courage and audacity are the two major traits the young Frost most identified with in Cortés. |
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A Room of One's Own Sat, Feb 15, 2pm by Catherine Bryne |
Woolf understood in a personal way the link between economic freedom, long denied to women, and the freedom of the mind, which she considered a prerequisite to good writing. |
Woolf puts great stock in the idea that masterpieces are not single, solitary births. Rather, they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people. The experience of the mass is behind the single voice. |
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Wed, Feb 12, 3-5pm |
I wanted to do something to give back to the universe for letting me take up precious space on the planet, passing through the garden. |
One never knows how inspiration may take over. There is a zone where the paintings paint themselves and the artist just has to be present to do the physical work. |
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by Keith Miller |
Unlike most other cities in S.E. Asia it's held onto a great deal of its parks and greenery and has one of the great Botanical Gardens of the world. |
I find the premier shopping area (Orchard Road) one of the prettiest I've ever seen; leafy, running adjacent to parkland and even containing some rare examples of "Straits Malacca" colonial architecture. |
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Interfaith Jazz Service Sun, Feb 16, 5pm by Rev. Anna V. Copeland |
In the early days, Ellington would travel to places to play but often didn't have a suitable place where a black man could stay. He had to get a railroad car to have a place to sleep. |
From the Sacred Concerts, Ellington gathered up huge slices of life – secular, sacred, trivial, profound, earthy and ethereal – and expressed them in his eclectic musical language. |
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The Computer Corner by Charles Miller |
In our increasingly internet-connected homes it is now commonplace for devices to be installed and configured by professionals who while quite skilled in their own fields often have no knowledge of computer networking. |
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On the Banks of the River by Sheridan Sansegundo |
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por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor |
La medicina convencional es como llamar a la policía: a veces hay que hacerlo, pero casi siempre es un error. Si es posible, es mucho mejor resolver los propios problemas sin involucrar a las autoridades. |
Porque mientras practicaba la medicina, entendí rápidamente que si la modificación del estilo de vida que estaba recomendando no era fácil, entonces era menos probable que mis pacientes la adoptaran. Si no era conveniente, no lo harían. |
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por Philip Gambone |
El primer poema de Frost, publicado cuando tenía 17 años, estaba basado en el clásico de William Prescott, Historia de la conquista de México, que Frost leyó en el verano de 1889 mientras trabajaba en una granja. |
Frost pudo decirle a Khrushchev que admiraba la forma en que el líder ruso usaba el poder con coraje y audacia. El coraje y la audacia son los dos rasgos principales con los que el joven Frost se identificaba más en Cortés. |
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mié 12 de feb 3-5pm |
Quería hacer algo para devolverle al universo el haberme dejado ocupar un espacio precioso en el planeta, recorriendo su jardín. |
Uno nunca sabe cómo puede apoderarse de él la inspiración. Hay una zona en la que los cuadros se pintan solos y el artista solo tiene que estar presente para hacer el trabajo físico. |
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por Keith Miller |
Ha conservado gran parte de sus parques y zonas verdes, y cuenta con uno de los mayores jardines botánicos del mundo. |
La principal zona comercial (Orchard Road) me parece una de las más bonitas que he visto: frondosa, adyacente a parques e incluso con algunos raros ejemplos de arquitectura colonial del «Estrecho de Malaca». |
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Servicio de Jazz Interreligioso dom 16 de feb 5pm por Rev. Anna V. Copeland |
En los primeros días, Ellington viajaba a lugares para tocar, pero a menudo no tenía un lugar adecuado donde un hombre negro pudiera quedarse. Tuvo que conseguir un vagón de tren para tener un lugar donde dormir. |
Del Sacred Concert, reunió grandes fragmentos de la vida -secular, sagrada, trivial, profunda, terrenal y etérea- y los expresó en su lenguaje musical ecléctico. |
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La esquina de la computadora por Charles Miller |
En nuestros hogares cada vez más conectados a Internet, ahora es habitual que los dispositivos de Internet de las cosas (IoT) sean instalados y configurados por profesionales que, aunque son bastante expertos en sus propios campos, a menudo no tienen conocimientos ni comprensión de las redes informáticas. |
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