December / Diciembre 2023
November / Noviembre 2023
September / Septiembre 2023
Too Rich, Too Smart
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
His brilliancy keeps jumping the tracks, but I keep buying tickets to get back on the ride.
At Least I Know I'm Crazy
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The world can be divided into two types of people, those who know that they are crazy and those who don't.
Horror and Mockery, Open-Pit Mines
by José Luis Mendoza
Let's promote alternatives that prioritize the conservation of our natural heritage and the dignity of our communities.
Picnicking as Prayer
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Europeans make fun of Americans for our habit of bathing so frequently.
Atención Returns
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Whoever steps forward now has to raise something up out of the ashes.
I Loved Atención, Too
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
You can't please all of the people all of the time.
Who's Happy Now? - Atención
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Mexicans say, "Pueblo chico; inferno grande," Little town, big hell.
Our Hometown Newspaper
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Atención that we knew and loved left the building a long time ago
My Publishing Career
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The publisher spent a lot of money trying to revive her, but the old lady wouldn't come back.
A Happy Father's Day
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
How can the child conceptualize the ancestral traumas that give rise to his personal suffering?
A Second Chance
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Our genes turn on and off in relation to our surrounding environment.
Burn It Down
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"When Mexicans see you getting ahead, they want to pull you back."
Sweet Madness
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
We humans survived, not because we are fast or strong, but because we cooperate.
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Think of it as mental tasing.
Take Me Out
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Civilization is carried forth to deny the horror of existence.
Normalizing Violence?
by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
How can we allow our mothers, sisters and daughters to be murdered?
A Boy On a Beach
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Below the border, the simple things of living take on mysterious significance.
Self-Hating Jews
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Q is very Jewish and a bit shy and guilty about it, which is also very Jewish.
The Avalanche of Images
by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
It was a delight to imagine without being run over by an avalanche of pre-digested images.
Bump, Bump, Bump
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
America has turned into a theme-park, polished, but inauthentic.
Selling Miracles
by Noren Cáceres, owner La Frontera
I have made it difficult for myself, fought growing up every step of the way.
Where's Home?
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Home is where people understand, and care to understand.
Fallen Beauty
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
There is a metaphor in all this, probably several, especially for someone as old as me.
Otra Incubación
por Alejandro Anaya, texto, arte
Su segunda salida de la incubadora, el renacimiento del artista que fue de niño.
The Devil's Due
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
It never occurs to me that I might just be a lonely old man.
Another Incubation
by Alejandro Anaya, text, art, photos
The rebirth of the artist that he was as a child.
Spirit and Food: Luna de Queso
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Perhaps the main hallmark of exuberant Mexico is that the social is not an interruption.
A Better Music Box
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Much effort is going into trying to teach machines to do what we humans will always do better.
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