Enter the Celestial Garden - Movement and Expansion Experience

(ESPAÑOL debajo)

Saturday, August 11, 2-7pm
Location: The Nautilus Chamber, San Miguel de Allende.
Contribution $580 mxn ($33 usd) - Limited space
Registration at +521-983-155-0764 / +521-983-177-0882
(Whatsapp also) Direct link to chat n whatsapp: j.mp/holarapha
Email: infoaguasana@gmail.com

Enter the Celestial Garden - Movement and Expansion Experience

Because we crave for connection. Connection with ourselves, with our own truth. Connection with other human beings in real, authentic, profound ways. Connection with nature, with a feeling of expansion, peace, joy, love, trust...

We will play and explore many dynamics, such as dance, movement, meditation and contemplation, aiming to loose and soften our body and mind structures. We wanna let them go so we can fill the empty spaces with love, giving life to the senses, releasing and realizing the flower’s perfume, the universe’s essence... and in contemplation, one will find that this essense is the essential itself, breaking all barriers, all glasses, all mirrors.

Self is to be seen, truth is to be felt.
Memory of truth is contemplation.

Facilitators: Raphael, Mica, and Ana, three masters of dance and therapies from Brazil and Argentina join their talents to bring you this workshop.

Porque anhelamos la conexión. Conexión con nosotros mismos, con nuestra propia verdad. Conexión con otros seres humanos en formas reales, auténticas y profundas. Conexión con la naturaleza, con una sensación de expansión, paz, alegría, amor, confianza ...

Jugaremos y exploraremos muchas dinámicas, como la danza, el movimiento, la meditación y la contemplación, con el objetivo de aflojar y suavizar nuestras estructuras corporales y mentales. Queremos dejarlas ir para que podamos llenar los espacios vacíos con amor, dando vida a los sentidos, liberando y percibiendo el perfume de la flor, la esencia del universo ... y en la contemplación, uno encontrará que esta esencia es lo esencial, rompiendo todas las barreras, todas las gafas, todos los espejos.

El ser es para ser visto, la verdad es para ser sentida.
La memoria de la verdad es contemplación.

Sábado, 11 de Agosto, de 2pm a 7pm
Ubicación: The Nautilus Chamber, San Miguel de Allende.
Conttribución: $580 mxn ($33 usd) - Cupo limitado
Inscripciones: +521-983-155-0764 / +521-983-177-0882
Link directo al whatsapp: j.mp/holarapha
Email: infoaguasana@gmail.com

Facilitadores: Raphael, Mica, y Ana, tres maestros de danza y terapias de Brasil y Argentina unen sus talentos para brindar este taller.

The rose in a glass (based on The Little prince)

Her love for the flower was so great that she built a home out of glass for her flower. So she could contemplate it everyday while the flower would be protected of all harms. What she hasnt noticed was that the same glasswall protecting the flower, was separating the flower from herself, from water and fire, air and earth. The glasswall built out of language and symbols, which would allow the flowers very existence, was constraining it, separating it from its loving witness, from herself.
The seven senses permeating the aetheric space between the flower and its lover, that is, the self and its eternal witness were the keys to dissolve the glass in between. The activation of each of the senses would allow for a sparkle of connection, of truth. The activation of multiple senses in various combinations would exponentiate the flowers presence in such a powerful way that the explosión of its perfume would blow the whole of the glass, and for an eternal moment, she would finally be able to smell the flowers perfume, realizing it has always been her own. In this moment, all loving consciousness would rejoice in a big loud laugh whereas she, the lover, would finally see that in fact, the glasswall was not created to protect the beloved flower but to mirror herself while in contemplation of her own inner universe, whichs essence, seen through the glasswall, tastes like a memory.

Giving sense to ones universe, that is, allowing ones universe to perceive reality through the senses, releases the flowers perfume, the universes essence. The essential is power itself, breaking all barriers, all glasses, all mirrors.

Self is to be seen, truth is to be felt. Memory of truth is contemplation.

Flower your universe. Be welcome to enter the celestial garden of eternal mirrorring and everplay.

In la Kesh A la Kin.

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