Events at the JC3
Hebrew School
10am-12pm, Sundays 2x/month
Sing-along in Spanish / Canta juntos
Mondays, los lunes 4:30
learning and fun / aprendiendo y divirtiendote
Tuesday Discussion Group
A thought-provoking topic generates illuminating conversation over cookies, coffee and tea
Tuesday Film and Discussion
Following the screening there will be a film analysis and discussion with noted cineast Elías Nahmía
Our Water Crisis
Wednesday, October, 16, 4pm
Conversation Group Fridays
Spontaneous, organic, "dinner table" conversation with life of its own. Hearts and minds open. Led by Ed Wohlrab.
Shabbat Service; Kiddush; Clase de Torah
Come to one or all; service 10am; Clase de Torah, 12:30
Jewish Wisdom
English, Thursdays, 4-5pm, in person and Zoom
Continuing our conversation on Mensch - Nine Challenges a Good Person Must Meet.


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