Death Café

Wednesday, July 17, 1-3pm (3rd Wednesday of each month)
Luna de Queso, Josefina Orozco 10

Among the many benefits of talking about death, participating in a Death Café helps us: (a) live in the moment, (b) appreciate life more, (c) put things in perspective, (d) identify what really matters, (e) find purpose to our losses, (f) move through our grief, (g) work through our regrets, (h) find meaning in our life, (i) bring us closer to ourselves and one another.

Death Café San Miguel de Allende
sharing meaningful conversations since July 2018

What is a Death Café?

The Death Café ( is an international movement founded in England by Jon Underwood, based on the work of Bernard Crettaz. At a Death Café, people—often strangers—gather to eat cake, drink tea or coffee, and discuss death with the intention of increasing awareness of mortality and help people make the most of their finite lives.

The Death Café IS:
* a gathering with no intention of leading participants to any conclusion, product, or course of action
* an open, respectful, and confidential space where people express their views safely
* tolerant, reverent, honoring of all views with equanimity
* open to and respectful of people of all communities, ages, belief systems
* a frank discussion alongside, tea, coffee, and baked goods

The Death Café IS NOT:
* a bereavement support or grief counseling setting
* for advice giving
* for people who, for whatever reason, are not able to discuss death comfortably and openly
* an opportunity to give people information about death and dying
* for profit
* for networking or promoting business, service, or products
* for handing out business cards or promotional materials
* a method of community engagement, research, or consultation

Death Café is free and open to all.
Your host and facilitator is Wilka Roig, MTP, MFA, PLC, president of EKR México Centro, transpersonal psychologist, death doula, grief counselor, dreamworker, artist, jeweler, baker, affiliate of Death Cafe international, co-administrator of Death Café México.

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